
Our Mission

We guide and assist individuals and couples who genuinely desire to be good stewards while leaving a legacy for their families and their community. This is accomplished through thoughtful discussions, and developing a simple, efficient and cost-effective estate plan.

What sets us apart

Plainly speaking, we develop relationships with our clients. Each client has unique needs, desires and intentions. We take the time to listen and learn, and advise accordingly. Our ideal client is an individual or couple who truly understand stewardship. This means that their assets and wealth are gifts to be managed for their lifetime, and upon their death are to be properly placed in the care of another good steward for future use and benefit. While this may include an inheritance for children and grandchildren, it also contemplates charitable gifts.

Our Method

Simplicity and efficiency are often the keys to a successful estate plan. Although a thick binder full of fine paper with fancy writing may appear impressive, those with such an estate plan may not even understand what they just signed. An estate plan instead should accurately reflect the character and interests of you and your family. We schedule one-on-one consultations by video or phone in order to better understand your needs, desires and intentions. We then hand-craft the necessary documents, and meet in person to thoroughly explain each part. We do all of this for a reasonable flat fee so that our clients know what to expect up front, without surprises.

Where's Max Myers?

Max continues to remain active in the practice of law. He focuses on estate planning, probate estate administration, and Medicaid planning. 

Max can be reached at:

Perry Law Office

5532 St Joe Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46835



Max's e-mail: max@perryoffice.net

A brief history of Myers Law Office

1996: Max A. Myers founds "Myers Law Office". The first office was on the 10th floor of the Lincoln Tower

2000: Robert L. Myers joins the firm. Office operations move around the corner to the Murphy Building on S. Calhoun Street

2006: The firm moves to Building 3 in Medical Office Park off North Clinton Street. The firm was blessed in countless ways over the next several years

2022: Rob focuses his legal practice on estate planning as a solo attorney. He incorporates the lessons learned over two decades to provide clients with personal service at a reasonable cost